Attributed to Dr. Li Wenliang (李文亮), who is often regarded as the COVID-19 whistleblower. At first silenced by his government, he reportedly died of the Coronavirus disease he warned others about.

Attributed to Dr. Li Wenliang (李文亮), who is often regarded as the COVID-19 whistleblower. At first silenced by his government, he reportedly died of the Coronavirus disease he warned others about.


Note: COVIDConvo failed to get adequate support for the project, so all development was folded into the core Society Library tech stack and data processing paused (potentially indefinitely). Our interest in mapping COVID-19 debates remains, however, our priorities have changed towards new topics that currently have more support. See for more information. Than you to those of you who did and/or will support or work!


COVID-19 is the most important topic of conversation in the world right now,

but we’re not all on the same page about it. So we extract information from TV, news, government publications, academia, and social media to create a model of “society’s” combined conversation. We call them “convos.” Currently we are working on creating the COVID-19 combined convo; which means we’re collecting as much evidence as possible to represent all points of view in COVID-19 related conversations.


Do you want to help bring clarity to the COVID-19 convo?

Sign up to volunteer or make a donation today!


About Us

Hello! We're the Society Library and we’re debate-mapping Databrarians

We are a non-profit team who extract arguments, claims, and evidence from various forms of media to create databases which contain the argumentation from all points of view on social and political issues - to be visualized and made available to the public.

Combined, we have 18 years of debate-mapping and debate/decision-making tool development experience.
